Key Indicator – 4.1 Physical Facilities

Metric No. 4.1 Physical Facilities Download
4.1.1 Budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year 4.1.1

Key Indicator - 4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource

Metric No. 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource Download
4.2.1 Library is automated {Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)} 4.2.1
4.2.2 Library Services 4.2.2
4.2.3 E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG- Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG- Pathshala CEC (Under Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government initiatives & institutional (Learning Management System (LMS) etc 4.2.3

Key Indicator – 4.3 IT Infrastructure

Metric No. 4.3 IT Infrastructure Research Publications and Awards Download
4.3.1 Technology Upgradation (overall) 4.3.1
4.3.2 Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line) 4.3.2
4.3.3 Facility for e-content 4.3.3

Key Indicator - 4.4 - Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

Metric No. 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure Download
4.4.1 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, excluding salary component, during the year 4.4.1
4.4.2 Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. 4.4.2